Access to Information

Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009

This Act introduces a new right to information that is focused on making government information more readily available. This means that information will generally be released unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.

How do I get access to the information?

You can obtain access to information in a number of ways:

  1. By searching the website to see if it is already available.
  2. By phoning Coonamble Shire Council on (02) 6827 1900 or emailing and requesting the information. You will be advised if the information requested is:
    • Open-access information that is readily available.
    • Can be released through an informal request.
    • Requires a formal access application.

Making a Formal Access Application

An application for information that is not already available by other means must be made on the GIPA Access Application Form.

A formal application is not valid unless it is accompanied by an application fee of $30. The application fee counts as payment of the first hour of any processing charge that may be payable by the applicant. Processing charges for dealing with formal access applications are charged at a rate of $30/hour for each hour of processing times as per Section 64(1) of the GIPA Act 2009.

All formal applications will be assessed in accordance with the GIPA Act and the information will only be released if there is no overriding public interest against disclosure. 

Access to Information Request Form

Agency Information Guide 2024-25
[link to: Disclosure Log] 
[link to: Contract Register] 
[link to: Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons’ Return 2020-21]